Using the Qualified Name |
Qualified Name (QN) is used to make the contents of an application unique at run time. When several applications from different vendors are installed on the same computer, it is possible that the names of some applications may turn out to be the same and cause a conflict. To avoid any conflict in the names, Process Platform provides you with the feature to set QN on the application contents so that the name of the published content is distinct.
You can set the QN start point only on folders. The folder on which you set the QN start point becomes the root of the published runtime content. As a result, only the contents within that folder get published in the destination directory, and not the folder itself.
You can also remove the QN start point if you do not require it.
- To set the start point of a QN, do the following:
- In the Workspace Documents, open the required <project>.
- Right-click the required <folder> and select
(Set Start Point of Qualified Name). The folder view changes from
indicating that the folder is marked as the start point of QN. The start point of QN is set on the selected folder. When you publish the entire project to runtime, the contents within this folder will appear according to the start point setting.
- To remove the start point of a QN, do the following:
- In the Workspace Documents, open the required <project>.
- Right-click the <folder> on which you had set the start point and select
(Remove Start Point of Qualified Name). The folder view changes from
indicating that the folder is not marked as the start point of QN.The Start Point of QN is removed from the selected folder.
You have used the QN feature to determine the way application content is published to run time.
Note: For more information on which artifacts use QN, and their run-time references, see this.